Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What's in a name?

I wanted to let everyone know why I chose the name that I did for this blog. Some time back I was wrestling with the question "why?" I had really been seeking God on what scripture says is the purpose for which we are to labor. I spent time in the Word, meditating, praying and seeking an answer. Some would say the reason is evangelism, others ministry to the poor, and still others to imitate Christ. Below is what the Lord revealed to me and is the reason for the title of my blog.
The chief end of God is to bring himself glory1, therefore, my purpose is to glorify God2; this was why I was created3. My means through which to do this is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Because of sin and the fall, instead of giving glory to God I sought to give glory to myself4, but through Christ's work on the cross I am now free from sin and death and able, once again, to give God glory5. Although my flesh is at war within me to turn and glorify myself6, I can have victory through Christ over my flesh and be strengthened by the Holy Spirit to give God the glory7.
But how do I glorify God? Glorifying God does not mean that I make God more glorious, but that I acknowledge his glory, value it above all else, and make it known. I do that by living out the first and second greatest commandments, to love God with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my strength, with all my mind and to love my neighbor as myself8.
But these are very general statements, how do I specifically go about this task of bringing God glory in loving him and loving my neighbor? I believe that this is done through living in the fullness of the gospel, which is walking in covenant with God, and partnering with God in His work of building His kingdom.
To conclude, this is what my focus is and these are my priorities: Glorify God, by loving God and loving our neighbor through living in the fullness of the gospel.
Note- these two ‘loves’ must be conducted with joy; otherwise it is all done in vain and brings no glory to God.
1. Isaiah 43:7, 48:9-11
2. Ex 20:1-5; 34:14; Deut 5:6-10; Jer 9:24; Isaiah 43:7; 1 Cor 1:30-31; 6:20; 10:31
3. Isaiah 43:6-7; Ephesians 1:11-12
4. Romans 1:18-25
5. Romans 8:2
6. Romans 7:15-25
7. Romans 8:2-5, 9-11
8. Deut 6:4-; Matt 22:36-40; Mk 12:28-31; Lk 10:25-28

Sometimes the heart of the matter is what's in a name.


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