I read an encouraging, yet sobering, word this morning in my scripture readings. The verses were Galatians 6:7,8, which says, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, the he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.” I know that sometimes things seem unfair. We always hear about how God’s will prevails and the evil are punished. In reality it seems that Christians, the faithful few, are walked on and that everyone who seeks his own, and not God, prospers. This verse gives us encouragement in this area. It begins so powerfully with the words “Do not be deceived.” Why does it start this way? Because these thoughts of unfair treatment, that God will not come through on his word, or that things aren’t happening the way God said that they would, are deceptions and are from Satan. His goal is to get you to lose faith in God and no longer trust him to do what he says. Paul exhorts us in a powerful way, “Do not be deceived.” He then says, “God will not be mocked.” Let me explain this. When people think that the words of God will not come to pass they undermine God’s sovereignty, and then when they act accordingly, as if God’s words will not come true, they functionally mock him. For man to go on in his life and sow to his flesh thinking that he knows best and that all the warnings from God will not come to pass is to mock God. And let me say this as a side note; even when men do not know the specific revelation of God through Christ they still have the general revelation of creation and also the Law written on their hearts, both of which testify of God. This makes their disobedience and rebellion mockery, something that God will not tolerate, for he will not allow his glory to be undermined. Paul then comes back and summarizes what scriptures teach multiple times in many places, “What a man sows, that he will also reap.” Which he explains even further by saying, “For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.” Paul uses an agricultural illustration but is in no way talking about harvests, he is talking about eternal life. His whole statement is one with an eye toward eternity. The promise wasn’t for our prosperity in this life and evil’s punishment in this life but for reward and justice in eternity. We can be sure that even though we feel that things are unfair and that evil men and women prevail all around us, this is only temporary. We should never let ourselves be deceived into believing Satan’s lies. Although it may seem like things aren’t happening God’s way, that is only from our perspective, a perspective that is fallible and narrow. God sees all of time and knows what happens in eternity. His promises of justice may or may not pertain, in each specific case, to situations in this life, but we know without a doubt that they pertain to eternity. We also should heed Paul’s implied warning, sow to the Spirit or we shall receive death! This passage can be encouraging when we feel that evil is succeeding all around us, but it can also be quite sobering when we take stock of our lives. What have we been sowing to, the flesh, or the Spirit? What should we expect in eternity, corruption or eternal life? These are very important questions that we should ask ourselves on a regular basis. We do not want to find out too late that we have been sowing to the flesh. Let us always remember, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked.” Trust in the sovereignty of God and know that his will cannot be thwarted.
Father, I praise you for your everlasting strength, for your sovereignty which cannot be undone or outdone, and for your justice, the mighty show of your love. Continue to encourage me when I see evil running rampant all around and keep my eyes soberly on my own life, looking to what I have sown. Help me always to sow to the Spirit and not the flesh that I may receive eternal life in your presence and your glory. In Jesus name I ask these things. Amen.
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