The reading in Exodus 28 spoke of the clothing the priests wore, mainly to separate them from the people and show them to be set apart for God’s service. It talked about what they should wear and why they should wear it. The reason their clothing was so extravagant was because it was for the service of God and his glory and the reason their clothing was so intricate was because all the different parts served to remind of some aspect of God, either in his blessings to Israel through the 12 sons or in his acting in the exodus, or of his holiness, etc. I began to draw a comparison to the work of the priest under the old covenant and the work of the Christian under the new covenant. I found that they are remarkably similar. We see that the priests were set apart by God to do his work and minister to the people, something that all Christians are called to do to this day. We see that they are to be a reflection of God’s work, God’s glory and God’s holiness, also something that all Christians are called to do. Priests interceded for the people, they served the people for God, etc. Many people relegate these tasks of the priest to the old covenant because under the new covenant there are no longer priests. Or are there? In Hebrews it is said that Jesus is our High Priest, in 1 Peter 2:5,9 Peter refers to Christians as a holy priesthood. This makes very clear that there are still priests, they just aren’t from a special lineage, they happen to be each and every one of us. The reason we do not have ‘priests’ proper any longer is due to one thing, Jesus Christ, our high priest. Upon his death on the cross we are told in Matthew 27:51 that the curtain between the Holy place and the most holy place was torn in two. This was a symbol to all who believe in Christ that they could now enter into the Holy of holies, a place that only the high priest could venture prior to this act. We can all now come into the presence of God. We no longer need a special office of priest because through Christ we all have the privileges of the priest. One of the main duties of the High priest was to enter into the Holy of holies once a year and atone for the people. This is no longer necessary, for the people have been atoned for, once for all, by Christ our high priest, and we can all now enter into the holy of holies, the presence of God. But these facts did not do away with all the other works and ministries of the priest. The other duties of the priest are still very necessary and have been passed to us, the believers in Christ, to fulfill in Christ’s absence. We must go out into the world with a missional heart to be priests of God, ministering to others on his behalf, sharing with them the grace, mercy and patience of God and the saving work of Christ. In the same way that the priests of the old covenant were to be set apart to God for service, holy in His sight, we also are to be set apart to God for service, holy in His sight. Let us not forsake this or take God’s holiness for granted. Let us honor him by fulfilling our duties as priests, for a believer and a priest are one and the same. To God be the glory.
Father I thank you for sending us a great High Priest in your Son Jesus. Through him I have been atoned for once and for all time and can now enter into your presence myself, through him. As I have been called of you and set apart for your service I ask that you would give me wisdom in fulfilling the priestly call on my life and honoring you and Christ. Strengthen me to bring you glory and serve your purposes. In Jesus name I ask these things. Amen.
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