I want to look at two verses today, both from within my daily reading, first is Colossians 3:1,2 and second is Psalm 4:7. Let me quote them both;
Colossians 3:1,2 “1If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, Where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 2Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.”
Psalm 4:7 “You have put gladness in my heart, more than in the season that their grain and wine increased.”
As I meditated on these two verses I saw the deep relationship between them. I see these verses as root and fruit. Let me explain. Paul says that we should have our minds on the things of God, from above, not on the things of the earth. David says that God has brought him gladness, more than he received from earthly abundance. I think that Paul’s command is the root of David’s gladness. If you can cultivate in your life, or to be theologically correct, if you can submit to the sanctification of the Holy Spirit in your life to the point where your mind is not on earthly thing but on Godly things, then you will be able to say, with David, “you have put gladness in my heart, oh Lord.” Let’s look more deeply at David’s praise to God. Grain and wine was a livelihood to the Israelites. If the harvest of grapes and grain didn’t come in you very well might die, but if it came in, and came in abundantly, then not only would you live, you would have extra to sell, then you could acquire some wealth, some extra animals or clothes, etc. As king, David would have benefitted from this more than anyone else because he received a piece of all that was harvested. Imagine the amount a single man might gain from an abundant harvest, now multiply that times the entire nation of Israel and you may get a glimpse of what David speaks of in his praise to God. God brings him more gladness than all the abundance of the earth. This can only come from a heart truly dedicated to the things of the Lord, a heart and mind and life that are truly set on God and things from above. We should be seeking God and all that he is with every ounce of strength that we can muster, we should be pleading with God to bring our minds and our hearts and our lives to bear on things from above, on Godly things, so that we can cry out in praise with David, ‘Oh Lord, you bring me more gladness than earthly wealth or any earthly thing!”
I praise you Father, in heaven above, for your incredible mercy and grace. I ask that you would sanctify me through the Power of Christ at work in the Holy Spirit that my life would reflect you. Help me in all that I am to keep my eyes on you and to desire Godly things not earthly things. Give me a perspective of truth that will help me to see the nature of all earthly things, that they are temporal and will not last and help me also to see the nature of all that you are, eternal and timeless. Help me to always, in everything that I do, bring you glory. In Jesus powerful name I pray, Amen.
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